(Ganderkesee, 13.10.2015) STENUM is unique, states the official website of this clinic, highly specialised in orthopaedics. It is unique for being located in the wonderful countryside of the north-german Eichenwald (oak forest) and unique because of its history, that reaches well into the 19th century. And it is very unique in offering the ability to enjoy the comforts of modern orthopaedics in such a beautiful place, being a regular National Health patient. Oh so unique? Well... we´re sorry, but DaPhi casts a small shadow on this: we took away the uniqueness of the server-room.
(Berlin, 23.06.2015) Our new client, GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH (the german branch of GRTgaz), runs one of the most important pipeline systems in Germany which connects the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and France. Here we are definitely talking distances. Such a project demands some foresight, if you want the gas to arrive safely in another country. So it is not a surprise that GRTgaz awaits the same kind of foresight from its service providers and demands high profile quality management. How is a rollback organized? In IT terms that is how you call the reset of an IT-System. DaPhi´s standards in documentation proved decisive in getting the job of being GRTgaz Deutschlands IT-Partner.
(Berlin, 18.05.2015) In the year 2000 we started out with our first internet project for Germanies first and ever hostel, located in Berlin. It marked the beginning of three entwined success-stories: hostels, WIFI and DaPhix, our self-developed software, which nowadays is a guest communication service which leaves no questions. It was time to give this service a special treat in producing a commercial, which will celebrate its premiere on news channel n-tv today.
(Berlin, 15.04.2015) We are experts when it comes to setting up IT environments, we know all about virtual solutions and how to set up speedy WIFI in hotels all around Europe. But know it seems we are becoming experts in a whole different area. For the fourth time in a row we were classified with DIN ISO 9001:2008, an international standard for quality management systems.
(Berlin, 16.03.2015) If you carelessly bite into an apple, it just might be that Berlin based Bilacon GmbH gives you that secure feeling that you can just do it. Their laboratory examines over a 100.000 samples for their multiple clients to assure a certain quality. And if in your company data is being exchanged with a good feeling it might be that DaPhi is taking care of your internal network. Just a different kind of a secure feeling. Like the one we are supplying to Bilacon GmbH.