Making contact with a difference

(Berlin, 02.10.2014) We did not get to know our newest customers over the usual communication channels. The first contact resulted from a throbbing humming beneath our office. When we investigated the sounds, they turned out to be someone drilling. A dental office had recently moved in below us. But it was not what you think. Only the floor was being opened in order to install lines for water and compressed air for the ultra-modern dentist's chairs. Since the office of Dr. Jan B. Schibenes & Kollegen opened, we have not heard anything else, because they treat their patients with the latest treatment methods. And from now on, we take care of their IT.
In a modern dentist´s office it is not about setting up a computer and related equipment anymore. Nowadays almost all treatment- and diagnosis tools are integrated into the IT-infrastructure. There is a huge difference compared to a classic office-setup. Special devices and -software have to be as reliable in this network as a printer. For example: the pictures made by the oral camera have to be linked to the computer monitor, so that the patient is able to participate in the diagnosis. In the same setup we find all the information being fed into the CEREC (i.e. CEramic REConstruction) to create ceramic dentures with computer-aided design and manufacturing. And let us not forget about all the information on patients being sent from several treatment rooms to the central computer, where speed is as important as data security. Being Dr. Schibenes service provider we take care of all this.
Baring in mind the short distance we feel just like an inhouse IT-unity. Nonetheless we look forward to our ongoing cooperation.