Just one contact partner, just one bill: DaPhi

(Berlin, 13.10.2016) Our latest customer, the FNB Gas, is an expert when it comes to coordinate and bundle special knowledge. Being the association of transmission system operators (i.e. the operators of the major supra-regional and cross-border gas pipelines in Germany), this is exactly what they do. That is why they reacted with special interest as we offered them to put all the IT-competence in one hand. Just on deciding on the internet provider, making the contract and paying for it, choosing hardware, installing the software, getting the best firewall, providing IP telephony. To make it short: just one who is taking care of everything related to the companies IT. Just one contact partner, just one bill: DaPhi.
The key task of FNB Gas is to combine and coordinate the specialist interchange of information between transmission system operators. In addition, the association cooperates closely with national and European institutions, establishments and associations in all areas related to the business activities of transmission system operators.