24 / 7

(Berlin, 07.06.2016) The hotel business is more or less the classic example where you have to be there for your clients all around the clock: 24 hours, each 7 days of the week. These 24 hours get another dimension attached when a hotel aims at the so-called urban traveller. And that is the case with our client for long years: MEININGER Hotels. Remember Frank Sinatra´s famous line about a "city that never sleeps"? That does not only apply to New York, but to many MEININGER cities: Amsterdam, Berlin or London are among all those towns where life and service just never stops and where nobody is keen on any breakdown. So when DaPhi took care of moving the whole MEINIGER IT-Infrastructure into a new data centre, we felt proud to realize this without stopping any procedure for not even a second.
MEININGER is expanding. With 16 existing sites all over Europe, they aim to open a few more MEININGER doors in the near future, for example in Paris, Rome or Budapest. This means you have to keep up with your infrastructure as well, expanding and updating it. And for such a big enterprise as MEININGER, it is very important to always match international quality standards.
DaPhi therefore established a unique and future-safe environment for the ever expanding mailing-system and the whole internal data-traffic which is connecting hotel sites in different countries. We set up an extremely powerful and highly efficient connection to exchange all the data without any time-loss. As a VMWare partner we know how to get the best out of this fine software. And in the end the whole project only took six weeks from planning-status to realization.
We are looking forward to the next challenge that MEININGER might offer us.