DaPhi and Santa Claus

(Berlin, 06.12.2017) Every year anew Santa Claus performs a small logistical miracle as he gives his Christmas presents to every child in all the different countries at the same time. DaPhi suspects that this is all about good team work. Santa Claus as a plural? Why not - it is the same with DaPhi. When we will finally have equipped two new MEININGER Hotels in all IT matter on the 22nd of December, one just around the corner at Berlin´s East Side Gallery, the other in Milan, Italy, it will be our staff´s achievement. They fill our name with life, here and abroad.
What a Christmas present! Berlin is getting a new MEININGER at a historic site, where once the Berlin Wall devided East from West and where nowadays a completely new district is being build. No distance for DaPhi as our headquarter is just a stroll down the road. Milan is definitely the bigger challenge, not only in distance, but furthermore in terms of language. Normally you can depend on that everybody speaks more or less good English, but sometimes it is quite helpful to be able to understand a countries mother tongue - especially at a building site. In Milan´s MEININGER, which is located near the Garibaldi train station, the building was renovated from scratch. All cables were laid anew. As we are MEININGER´s IT partner this is the part where it is handy to be able to have a word in. A translation application turned out to be very helpful. It is amazing how excellent one can communicate with somebody whose language he cannot understand. We would suspect that this might be something for Santa.
DaPhi would like to wish all our clients, business partners and interested readers of this news article a happy Christmas season!
Get more information on the new MEININGER Hotels on their official website HERE.