All over Berlin by our electric car

(Berlin, 24.07.2017) In the year 2011 the german government set up a program to establish Germany as the leading market in electro mobility. The goal is to have one million electric cars driving german roads by the year 2020. But in the midst of last year only 10.481 e-cars were licensed, according to an investigation by newspaper Welt. That is merely 0,4 percent of the total amount of 3,5 million first registrations of cars in Germany. That does not exactly sound like a sure-fire success. Being an IT system house we are part of an innovative branch and set to push change a bit further. Although there goes no financial advantage with it, we got interested in the technology and the experience we could gather. Today we want to share this. In October we added a Renault Kangoo Z.E. to our fleet of vehicles. Ever since we drove a 3000 kilometres all over Berlin. First result: our system administrators love to use it, it quickly became our most popular car.
"It´s an immensely great car for the city", says managing director Philipp Krey, "although you only got a range of up to a 100 kilometres in winter. But that´s just enough to visit two or three clients. The car is very silent and accelerates really good." The power consumption is that high in winter as we decided to have a ´real´ electric car without a heating system powered by Diesel. All members of staff got an introduction by our car supplier on how to drive energy-efficient. "Some of our staff are now able to drive 50 kilometres only using the so called engine brake. In this case the engine produces energy instead of using it up. That saves a lot", smiles Krey. An electric car is no bargain. Although you get a bonus from the government you pay a lot more compared to an average gas powered car. Plus: we invested in an own charging station in order to be able to have a ready to use car each morning.
"Probably you wouldn´t buy such a car for private use right now", says Krey, "so our electric car gives our staff a chance to gather experience and be a profound part of the public discussion." Finally let us not forget about the advantages for our environment. Our DaPhi Kangoo produces no emissions as we use green electricity for years now.